Leadership Matters
Leadership makes or breaks an organisation, a business, a country, a relationship, a family, an individual.
The quality of the leadership has an enormous impact.
Excellent and good leadership can be developed and nurtured.
There is always more to learn and our leadership journey is never-ending and is as unique as you are.
​Wildgeese Leadership transforms lives and businesses through supervision, coaching and training development.
I, and the associates I work with, are passionate about leadership, personal growth and achieving potential. I work with individuals and groups to enable them to fly as their confident authentic selves.

Flying free always starts with a little effort and some bumps along the way!
Making a real and lasting difference
The ethos of coaching is that you are not broken and you don't need fixing. You are are whole and complete as you are. We are on a journey.
On that journey we all have 'STUFF' that gets in our way, slows us down, holds us back and makes us question and doubt ourselves. ​
Coaching is forward focused and helps clear a path so you can achieve and move on to new possibilities with confidence, purpose and a bespoke flight plan you can trust.
As an experienced and accredited Coach, I work with Executives, Senior Leaders and those aspiring to lead.
Working together, the coaching process is driven by you at your pace to identify and achieve what you want and need.
Coaching is non-judgemental and confidential.
Personal Development
We work with individuals who are seeking to develop their leadership potential and progress their business or career.
We utilise a range of tools to build your
competence and confidence as a leader, including:
Psychometric testing
360-degree process
Mental Fitness App
Tried and tested tools, strategies, workshops and programs.
Tailored to meet your needs.

..."You playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is with us. It's not just in some of us it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same"...
Marianne Williamson
Famously quoted by Nelson Mandela
at his inaugural speech

Leadership Development
We work with Business Owners, HR Professionals and Senior Leaders to identify and tailor programmes to give you a truly effective and individual approach that will meet your needs.
We have a range of programmes, courses and workshops to improve performance, relationships and outcomes:
Developing your Organisational Talent
Team Building - Cultural Change - Building Resilience
Mental Fitness - Organisational & Personal Leadership Skills
We draw on our qualifications, real life experience, ongoing training and relevant study to ensure you receive a professional and bespoke service that makes a lasting difference to the individual, team business and organisation.
Supervision is a collaborative and formal process which facilitates growth through reflective practice and exploration. Together, Supervisor and client strive for continuous improvement and development, client safety and enhanced professional practice. It is about growing as a Coach and individual and achieving better outcomes for your clients.
Supervision is different from coaching, it is more collaborative, results in deeper learning and growth and requires new skills and a greater understanding.
If you are a senior leader or Coach and want to grow professionally for the benefit of your team or clients, then please get in touch to see if we would be a good fit.